Résumé :
Antidepressant-related sexual dysfunction is one of the most frequently met adverse effects for individuals suffering from major depressive disorder. When primary prevention by non-pharmacological measures fails, empirical coping strategies might be proposed. In this article, we present a brief overview of pharmacological strategies for antidepressant-related sexual dysfunction, considering antidepressants and conceivable corrective medications. We suggest dividing these strategies into three groups: (1) tapering (dose reduction, therapeutic window or short-term treatment interruption); (2) maintenance (focusing on spontaneous remission); (3) optimizing treatment (substitution for another antidepressant or addition of treatments to correct sexual side effects). Whichever strategy is selected, we encourage the clinician to propose the most adequate therapeutic option for the patient, while considering the efficacy and overall tolerance of the current antidepressant strategy, the affected phase of sexuality and patient preferences and gender. This summary is limited to antidepressant treatments and correctors marketed in France and aimed at a clinician reading to help manage patients suffering from antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. [Résumé d'auteur]